Labels:text | screenshot | document | number | font OCR: Table 4 Meta-data attributes useful In client/server application development that are obtainable as part of DRE analysis (meta-data derived from Inmon"] No. Primary:Use Meta datim' Domain Values Public Data residency finde Functional Subject Ocographic Application development a Archival data :pt. * Some other unit of measure S. A chitertul si development " hala perliffiintelissues! Data updnic trequericy "Likeiness that se Individual data clement of the total population -hall be accessed during a processing goned' 12 Data subject arca Number and possible subiect arca breakdowns Useful for withjoking user defined closters Numberand wait bility of possible hode locations 15 Data stewardship Systethi responsible for meamitaining data clchicothe data.